How to Be Old

I bought this book last week. Critics on Amazon railed against her privilege to do the things she’s achieved. I wasn’t turned off by her lifestyle. In fact it inspired me to think positively about my sixties: the era I call the “This Is It!” decade.

For all my adult life I had a different haircut every three years. That changed three years ago when I fled the second former hairdresser who subjected me to haircut horror.

In 2021 I risked going to a trendy salon. E. expertly cut my hair the way I wanted it showing her a photo of the first woman president of my alma mater. Ever since then I have what is going to be my forever haircut.

Too short my hair resembles what Andy Warhol’s haircut would look like if his hair were black. The haircut costs $90 today not a cheap sum.

I’m thinking of my now forever haircut considering having read How to Be Old by Lyn Slater the Accidental Icon blogger. She has become famous and is 70 years old.

As I turn 59 this spring, I would like to go out of my fifties with a she-bang. I’m exited to turn 59. The eight years since I turned 50 have gone by like eight days. I’m glad to be getting older.

Like Slater who originally quoted David Bowie in her blog I’ll do so here:

“Aging is the extraordinary process whereby you become the person you always should have been.”

Ever since I was a teenager, I did NOT want to get married and raise a family. I was only 15 or 16 years old when I knew this. While in college the only thing I aspired to was to have “an artist’s life in the city.”

My goal as I turn 59 is to break the rules at every opportunity. While I might not reach icon status it’s clear that I might always be an iconoclast.

To get you to buy the book I’ll quote Kim Gordon the former bassist of Sonic Youth who wrote in her memoir Girl in a Band: “I’ve always believed that the radical is more interesting when it appears ordinary and benign on the outside.”

How a person appears often belies that they’re radical in their thinking and how they approach living life.

For better or worse my claim to fame will always be living life Left of the Dial.

The older I get I find myself rebelling the status quo as a matter of course.

Your age should be all the rage regardless of the number of candles on the cake.

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